集成测试中的 PHP 函数代码覆盖率(覆盖率.函数.集成.代码.测试中...)


集成测试中的 php 函数代码覆盖率使用 phpunit(1)和 xdebug(2)来测量每个函数的代码覆盖率(3),有助于标识未测试的代码路径(4),提高测试信心(5)。可以通过配置 php.ini(6)和在测试中使用 xhprof 驱动程序(7)来启用代码覆盖率(8)。实战案例展示了如何测试函数并测量其代码覆盖率(9),从而生成显示执行代码行的覆盖率报告(10)。

集成测试中的 PHP 函数代码覆盖率

集成测试中的 PHP 函数代码覆盖率


集成测试是确保应用程序不同模块协同工作的关键。PHP 中,我们可以使用 PHPUnit 框架进行集成测试,并使用 XDebug 扩展来测量每个函数的代码覆盖率。



XDebug 使用

要获得函数代码覆盖率,我们需要启用 XDebug 扩展并配置它来记录覆盖率数据。以下为 php.ini 配置文件中的示例配置:




我们创建一个示例集成测试,并使用 XDebug 测量函数代码覆盖率:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use XDebug\CodeCoverage\Driver\XHProf;

class IntegrationTest extends TestCase
    public function testFunctionCoverage()
        $driver = new XHProf();

        // 运行被测试的代码

        $coverageData = $driver->stop();
        file_put_contents('/tmp/coverage.xhprof', serialize($coverageData));

        // 断言函数代码覆盖率
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $coverageData['functions']['myFunction']['executed_lines']);


Consider the following PHP code:

function sum(int $a, int $b): int
    if ($a < 0 || $b < 0) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid numbers for sum');

    return $a + $b;

To test the sum function and measure its code coverage, we can create an integration test as follows:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use XDebug\CodeCoverage\Driver\XHProf;

class SumIntegrationTest extends TestCase
    public function testPositiveNumbers()
        $driver = new XHProf();

        $sum = sum(1, 2);

        $coverageData = $driver->stop();
        file_put_contents('/tmp/coverage.xhprof', serialize($coverageData));

        $this->assertEquals(3, $sum);
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $coverageData['functions']['sum']['executed_lines']);

    public function testNegativeNumbers()
        $driver = new XHProf();

        try {
            $sum = sum(-1, -2);
            $this->fail('Expected Exception was not thrown.');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $coverageData = $driver->stop();
            file_put_contents('/tmp/coverage.xhprof', serialize($coverageData));

        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $coverageData['functions']['sum']['executed_lines']);

In this test:

  • The testPositiveNumbers method exercises the sum function with positive numbers and asserts the correct result. It also verifies that the function code was executed.
  • The testNegativeNumbers method exercises the sum function with negative numbers and asserts that the expected exception is thrown. It also verifies that the function code was executed.

By running the tests, we can generate the coverage report, which shows the lines of code that were executed during the tests. This information can be used to identify untested code paths and improve the coverage of the integration tests.

以上就是集成测试中的 PHP 函数代码覆盖率的详细内容,更多请关注知识资源分享宝库其它相关文章!


